07 april 2013

On the movie list... sorta

Mom and I sat down and watched a movie the other night. I should probably mention that this event warrants quite a huge wow, cause my mother generally hates watching movies. The object of our lukewarm interest was Skyfall. If you haven't seen it and expect it to be a classic Bond movie, then just leave it alone. No fun toys and barely any action. Why am I even disappointed, you might ask... not sure - cause I was expecting the usual, perhaps? Anything that has survived for 23 movies (so far) is worth watching just for the hell of it, I think. Maybe. Consider it a history lesson, or something.

I've been trying to figure out which ones I have seen, but I'm not getting much wiser in that department. I'm one of those who consider the real Bond being either Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan, which is just strange in the first place, in combination with considering Judi Dench the only real M. Eh. Whatevah. Seven minutes into GoldenEye I don't think I've seen it before so here goes. It's a bit like that mental list of about 300 books I think I should read - you're not sure why and it kinda never happens, but you still think you should. This particular thing could have something to do with a tiny little boy in the my class through grade 1-3, cause he was obsessed. He showed up to a costume party where we were all supposed to be animals in a tuxedo. Everyone thought he was a penguin which totally pissed him off cause naturally he was Bond... James Bond. Obviously.

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